The presence of officers of Latin American origin in the Sioux City Police Department is expanding

For a long time, it was very difficult for citizens of Latin American origin to access certain jobs in the United States. Fortunately, times are changing. This was just confirmed with the arrival of two new officers to the Sioux City Police Department: Ángel Ruelas-Hernández and Karina Flores. The new SCPD officers did not hide their joy at this immense professional challenge and thanked their colleagues for the great reception they received. On the Police Department’s social media, several people highlighted the importance of adding officers of Latin origin to the security forces to end prejudices and achieve a more just and egalitarian society: ‘I love diversity. I moved in 2016, and there wasn’t much diversity in the department yet. This unit strengthens the community; ‘Proud of you, Ángel Ruelas’; ‘Congratulations, Karina Flores’; ‘Thank you for serving the community’; ‘Welcome to the family’; ‘Congratulations and thank you for your service.’