Asesinan a hermano del cantante Alfredo Olivas

El pasado 17 de abril fue asesinado a balazos en Zapopan Jalisco Irving Alejandro olivas, hermano del músico Alfredo Olivas.

Irving junto con su esposa e hijo de 18 meses fueron encontrados sin vida en la camioneta en la que viajaban.

Con ellos iba la hija mayor de 4 anos y la minera quienes afortunadamente salieron vivas pero tuvieron impactos de balas.

El vehículo en el que viajaban fue atacado a disparos por un comando armado lo que provocó que perdieran el control y chocaran con un poste y muro de contención.

Cabe mencionar que las agresiones contra Alfredo Olivas y su familia iniciaron en 2015, cuando el cantante se presentaba en un concierto en Parral, Chihuahua, en donde también fue acribillado. El 14 de diciembre de 2018 el padre del cantante, Alfredo Olivas Valenzuela, resultó herido por un impacto de bala al ser atacado frente a su casa.


On April 17, Irving Alejandro Olivas, brother of musician Alfredo Olivas, was shot to death in Zapopan Jalisco.

Irving along with his wife and his 18-month-old son were found dead in the truck they were traveling in.

With them was the 4-year-old daughter and their babysitter who fortunately came out alive but were hit by bullets.

The vehicle in which they were traveling was fired upon by an armed commando causing them to lose control and collide with a post and retaining wall.

It is worth mentioning that the attacks against Alfredo Olivas and his family began in 2015, when the singer appeared at a concert in Parral, Chihuahua, where he was also shot. On December 14, 2018, the singer’s father, Alfredo Olivas Valenzuela, was injured by a bullet impact when he was attacked in front of his house.