Nebraska Department of Corrections Celebrates the Dedication and Success of Its Thinking for a Change (T4C) Graduates

After several months of dedication, a group of men recently celebrated a significant achievement by graduating from the “Thinking for a Change” (T4C) program, a high-level cognitive-behavioral program created by the National Institute of Corrections, which uses a simulation of roles to address attitudes, behaviors, family relationships, friendships, and criminogenic thoughts. Throughout the course, participants practice applying these learned skills through real-life scenarios. Looking ahead, they can be confident that they have the tools necessary to make positive decisions.

The men who participated in the program have demonstrated exceptional dedication during these months, culminating in their successful graduation. The T4C not only provided practical knowledge but also encouraged positive change in the attitude and behavior of these individuals. The program stood out for its focus on role simulation, an effective methodology for addressing criminogenic attitudes and thoughts. Through these practices, participants acquired skills that they can apply in everyday life situations, thus improving their ability to make positive decisions.

The Department of Corrections thanked the peer facilitators and staff who contributed to the success of this program, as their support and guidance were instrumental in helping these men reach this milestone in their lives, which represents a testimony to the transformative power of education and dedication. Graduation marks not only the end of a program but also the beginning of a new chapter for everyone involved. They are congratulated for their hard work put into their future success and encouraged to continue building a positive future.

The “Thinking for a Change” program has left a positive mark on the lives of many men who have been part of it.